F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y COMPETITIVE ACTION - WEEKLY UPDATE MAY 6, 1993 Welcome to the new Competitive Action Weekly. If you would like to be added, deleted or you have changed locations, please send a message to Competitive /HP6650. Include your HPDesk address. Competitive Action is posted to HP-UX notes in the group hp.marketing. The string is entitled "hp.competition for ". BC = Beyond Computing BW = Business Week CC = Corporate Computing CIO = CIO CW = Computer World DM = Datamation DNR = Digital news & review EN = Electronic News IW = Information Week MS = Midrange Systems NC = NCR Connection OST = Open Systems Today RSM = RS/Magazine SE = Sun Expert SO = Sun Observer SJMN = San Jose Mercury News SW = Sun World UGX = Unigram-X UR = Unix Review UW = Unix World WN = Workstation News WSJ = Wall Street Journal Editor, Nadine Halsted ************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTING MORE INFORMATION ************************************************************** Send a message to Competitive /HP6650 and include: 1. Name 2. Non-telnet and telnet fax number. For numbers outside of the US, please note as international. 3. Number that precedes the article you need 4. Limit your request for faxing to a maximum of 3 articles. For 4 or more articles, send your mail stop or street address. Missing or incorrect information may delay delivery of your request. ************************************************************* DIGITAL ARTICLES ************************************************************** 463. ** AND NOW, THE WORKSTATION WARS. CAN SUN RISE TO THE CHALLENGE? (IW, 4/26/93, pg. 14) DEC posed a serious challenge with new systems based on DEC's 64-bit Alpha chip technology. DEC also launched an incentive program for Sun users to trade in their SparcStations for a $2,000 to $10,000 credit toward the purchase of new Alpha workstations. Sun announced new SparcStation 10 multiprocessor systems. 464. ** COMMENTS (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 8) DEC has updated it's Logo. The new Logo features a more contemporary typeface and slight changes to the spacing of the design's blocks, and the white letters now appear on a burgundy background instead of the traditional blue. 465. ** DEC SPIN-OFF (CW, 4/26/93, pg. 109) DEC is spinning off a company that specializes in refurbishing and manufacturing disk and tape drives, as well as modules. Called SpringBoard Technology Corp., the company is expected to employ about 100 people. ************************************************************** HP ARTICLES ************************************************************** 466. ** EXPLAINING MAINFRAME ALTERNATIVES (OST, 4/26/93, pg. HP3) HP has assembled an impressive and aggressive combination of products and services that it hopes will put IBM mainframes on the endangered species list. An OST contributor discussed HP's tactics and strategies with Lenny Rosenthal, HP's mainframe alternative program marketing manager. [ Editor's note: Great article on the mainframe market and HP's solutions.] 467. ** TOO SMALL FOR A MAINFRAME (OST, 4/26/93, pg. HP7) Paragon Steak House restaurants looked at IBM, DEC and HP. The company eventually went with the HP 9000 because of HP's MFA solutions. The results are an annual MIS savings of $1 million. 468. ** LOW-COST SOLUTION (OST, 4/26/93, pg. HP8) Brake Parts data center included a DEC mainframe and two DEC midrange systems. The company wanted to lower MIS costs and choose HP because of its hardware and its extensive national support. 469. ** ADVERTISEMENT FOR ANDERSON CONSULTING (IW, 4/26/93, pg. 21) Implementing client/server may seem insurmountable. Learn how to overcome the challenge at our client/server seminar! ...And find out about our new HP- UX Server. [ Editor's note: HP is the only hardware vendor mentioned.] 470. ** HP ADDS SOFTBENCH 3.2, VERSION FOR SOLARIS 2.1 (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 5) HP has added the SoftBench Message Connector mouse-driven task-automation tool and announced that SoftBench 3.2 will be available under the Solaris 2.1 operating system. 471. ** INFORMIX STRIKES LESS FANCIED UNIXES OFF LIST (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 7) Informix will reduce its number of supported vendors from 30 to 10. A deal with HP may have far-reaching results. The company intends to release a new version of its fourth generation language, 4GL++, which will have object- oriented extensions and may add HP's OpenODB. 472. ** WE ARE THE WORLD (CW, 4/26/93, pg. 14) Last week's celebration of Earth Day offered an opportunity to reflect on the information technology industry's environmentally sound and sorry practices. The EPA's Energy Star program has enlisted a slew of manufacturers committed to building energy-efficient computers and laser printers, including HP, Compaq, Unisys, DEC, Intel and NCR. 473. ** HP, MICROSOFT ANNOUNCE E-MAIL LINK (CW, 4/26/93, pg. 52) HP announced that client software from Microsoft will run on HP's x.400-based electronic messaging server software. HP also said a similar agreement with Lotus should be completed soon. 474. ** HOME DEPOT: PRACTICING WHAT IT PREACHES (OST, 4/26/93, pg. 74) Replacing the DG minis with HP 9000 827s resulted in a four to six times performance improvement, at about the same price as Home Depot was paying with DG systems. ************************************************************** IBM ARTICLES ************************************************************** 475. ** IBM APPOINTS CHRYSLER'S YORK AS FINANCE CHIEF (WSJ, 5/4/93, pg. A3) IBM hired Jerome Youk, an architect of Chrysler's turnaround, to be chief financial officer. The choice indicates IBM intends to follow Chrysler's example by slashing costs and selling billions of dollars in assets. 476. ** REBELS WITHOUT A MAINFRAME (CC, 5/93, pg. 24) IBM's $1.3 billion Electronic Card Assembly and Test unit needed an upgrade to an ES/9000 model 570. Instead they are scrapping the mainframe setup in favor of four RS/6000s and saving $1.2 million over three years. 477. ** MIDRANGE MAC ATTACK. FIRST RESULTS OF THE IBM-APPLE ALLIANCE: A TASTY WAY TO GET MACS FEEDING ON AS/400 DATABASES (CC, 5/93, pg. 45) In the past, connecting Macs to an AS/400 could only be done using 5250 terminal emulation. Apple now has the DAL server for AS/400 which lets DAL-aware Mac programs access AS/400 database files using SQL and enables users to run standard Mac applications. It is priced at $4,250 for eight users. It was tested and found easy to use, but painful to set up. 478. ** ED ZSCHAU DOESN'T FIT BIG BLUE'S MOLD - AND THAT'S THE POINT (BW, 5/10/93, pg. 28) IBM has tapped Ed Zschau to head Adstar, its $6.1 billion maker of disk drives and other computer data storage gear. His plans include trying to win over computer makers that have always bought from rivals such as Conner Peripherals and Seagate. He even plans to sell directly to PC owners via mail orders. 479. ** IBM HAS A NEW PRODUCT: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (BW, 5/10/93, pg. 58) IBM's Workforce Solutions spin-off could make human resources pay. Workforce, now a stand-alone company for human resources and benefits, is trying to forge an identity outside of IBM. Last year, it sighed up the National Geographic Society which wanted to cut by 50% the number of staff providing subscription and circulation services. 480. ** IBM's NETWORKING HEAD SKETCHES OUT UNIT'S NEAR-TERM STRATEGIES (OST, 4/26/93, pg. 1) IBM plans to extend the reach of its NetView/6000 management software, solidify its leadership in the Token Ring and adapter card market, and move aggressively into ATM while cutting back on OSI development. 481. ** YEAR-END DEBUT FOR POWERPC (OST, 4/26/93, pg. 17) Motorola, IBM and Apple will have by the end of the year a 66-MHz PowerPC chip running at 80 SPECfp92 or more. Motorola executives also said they expect the new PowerPC RISC architecture to become the RISC volume leader by the end of 1994, overtaking SPARC, the current top-ranked architecture. ************************************************************** MICROSOFT ARTICLES ************************************************************** 482. ** SAP AND D&B PREPARE DEALS - NT FOR TWO (IW, 4/26/93, pg. 15) SAP AG and Microsoft will announce a wide-ranging relationship aimed at integrating their software products, including support for the 32-bit NT as a network server platform. Within the next several weeks, Microsoft and Dun & Bradstreet will announce a similar agreement. 483. ** GATES - WHY WORLD IS WAITING FOR NT (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 4) Bill Gates, addressing a journalist group, said the missing element in making al all the applications work easily is a proper operating system. He predicted that 1 million copies of Windows NT will be sold in the first four months after the summer release, but that the time between NT's introduction and its arrival as "the dominant operating system" will be as long as three years. ************************************************************** NCR ARTICLES ************************************************************** 484. ** NEW VERSION OF NCR's TOP END COMING MAY 10 (OST, 4/26/93. pg. 4) NCR is preparing to release on May 10 Version 2.0 of its Top End transaction monitor. The new version interacts with CICS with no need for programming. IT will allow data from both CICS and Top End-controlled applications to be presented on one screen. ************************************************************** SGI ARTICLES ************************************************************** 485. ** SILICON GRAPHICS' NEXT STOP: THE LIVING ROOM (BW, 5/10/93, pg. 64) SGI is jockeying to be a prime player in the digital media market. Digital media services require powerful computers called servers to store reams of digitized data as well as technology to reproduce graphic images on TV screens. Both, it turns out, are SGI specialties. Current SGI digital partners are Kodak, Lucasfilm, and Magic Edge. Potential partners are Time Warner and Scientific- Atlantic ************************************************************** SUN ARTICLES ************************************************************** 486. ** SUN SPARCSERVER 1000 BRIDGES GAP BETWEEN 500 AND 3,000 USERS (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 1) On May 11 at the SunWorld expo, Sun will complete its Enterprise Server family with the introduction of its scalable, COSE-compliant, 1,500-user, 8-way Sparcserver 1000, a mid-range multiprocessor. Sun claims the 1000 will set a new standard for configured system cost by comparing one of its fully configured 4-way at $76,500 to an HP H50 at $105,475. 487. ** COMMENTS (UGX, 5/3/93, pg. 8) In the month and a half it's been delivering its high-end SparcCenter 2000, Sun has shipped 130 systems to paying customer. Sun has reportedly come up with a new 50MHz MPU module for the 2000 that adds 2Mb external caches and improves database throughput from 20% to 40%. ************************************************************** OTHER ************************************************************** 488. ** DOWNSIZING DEVELOPMENT: UNIX DOES IT FASTER, CHEAPER (CC, 5/93, pg. 28) A growing number of IS departments believe that changing your programming environment to Unix reduces application backlogs. Those campanies that have moved to Unix say that costs are much lower than on mainframe platforms and that Unix is a more versatile environment. 489. ** DATA HIGHWAY: ON THE RIGHT ROAD? (IW, 4/26/93, pg. 53) IS execs are paying close attention to Vice President Albert Gore's plan to crea create a gigabit-speed national information highway by the year 2015 - even if not all of them are convinced it will work.